Blog>Alliance AutoGas Featured in Industry Events

Alliance AutoGas Featured in Industry Events

Midwest Green Transportation Forum & Expo

Stuart Weidie, President of Alliance AutoGas, recently participated in the Benefits of Sourcing Renewable Propane Autogas panel, which was part of the of the Midwest Green Transportation Forum & Expo presented by the Clean Fuels Ohio organization in September.

Conventional propane autogas offers air quality and climate benefits above both gasoline and diesel. Renewable propane provides greater environmental benefits with zero differences operationally and at comparable costs. “Despite what you read, and despite what see in the news, the internal combustion engine is not dead. We need to consider multiple solutions, and renewable liquid fuels is an important part of us meeting our emissions reductions goals for both this country and globally,” says Weidie.

Virtual Propane Expo

Weidie also participated in the Virtual Propane Expo (VPE) in September to discuss renewable propane. The VPE was created by propane industry leaders in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak of early 2020 as a solution to help bring the propane industry together.

Part of the discussion included the importance of the Carbon Intensity Score, which is calculated by compiling all the carbon emitted along the supply chain for a fuel including all the carbon used to explore, mine, collect, produce, transport, dispense and burn the fuel.

Watch the full discussion HERE.