Blog>Alliance AutoGas in Alaska

Alliance AutoGas in Alaska

Josh Budworth, Business Development, spent the beginning of 2023 in the frozen environment of Alaska and shares his experience from the visit. “We had an on-site visit with Hilcorp North Slope, LLC. in early February at their oil field in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Although we went up to the Artic Ocean, we only saw a solid piece of water covered in snow. We were there to discuss the conversion timeline, training their technicians, and seeing their environment which they operate in. We left Prudhoe Bay having officially trained 12 of their onsite technicians as well as 45 additional units being ordered, totaling 55 conversions onsite in the last 6 months. With the forecast of converting 600 units onsite within the next three to four years. One of the most exciting observations we witnessed is that the systems have been running on their vehicles flawlessly at -50 degrees Fahrenheit and colder without issues, proving yet again why our technology is superior to the competitors. Hilcorp North Slope, LLC. is beginning to produce their own vehicle fuel on-site. A particular favorite moment was when we were getting a picture in front of their 90,000-gallon storage tanks and David Johnston commenting “I can actually hear my ears freezing!” The warmest it got was I believe -20 degrees while we were there that week. Southern boys don’t enjoy the cold as much.”