Alliance AutoGas Partners & Representatives Featured in Industry Discussions

Brian Green, Business Development Manager for Green’s Blue Flame Gas, who has been a partner of Alliance AutoGas (AAG) since 2010, and Eddie Waldrop, Fleet Manager for Blossman Gas, the founding partner of AAG, participated in the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) autogas webinar series on November 16th to discuss why and how their companies took the leap and converted their fleets to propane autogas, as well as the challenges and successes they found along the way.
In October of 2019, Green’s Blue Flame finished converting the last of its service and delivery vehicle fleet to operate using propane autogas. This now means that their entire fleet, 100% of their applicable vehicles, are propane equipped. To watch the webinar, click HERE.
Happy Fox, Alternative Fuel Consultant for Alliance AutoGas, participated in an Autogas Answers webinar on November 17th that was presented by the Land of Sky Clean Vehicles Coalition. The Clean Vehicles Coalition is a Clean Cities program started by the Land of Sky Regional Council in the Western North Carolina area. The Clean Cities program was started by the US Department of Energy to work with states and communities across the country to promote the use of cleaner, alternative fuels and vehicles. To watch the webinar, click HERE.