Alliance AutoGas Receives Clean Air Excellence Award

Asheville-area based Alliance AutoGas recently received from the Western North Carolina Regional Air Quality Agency a Clean Air Excellence Award the Special Award category.

Propane Autogas For Fleets: Study Identifies Some Key Considerations

The Mississippi Propane Gas Association recently commissioned a study conducted by the Stennis Institute at Mississippi State University that found propane autogas offers “numerous benefits” as a fleet fuel versus gasoline and diesel.

Alliance AutoGas Launches Fuel Management Dispenser System for Autogas Fleets

The new dispenser system provides numerous enhancements including a durable Card Reader System, Data Management, Real-Time Communications and a world leading Ultra low-Emission Fueling nozzle.

Alliance AutoGas Saves $32 Million

Alliance AutoGas has chalked up fuel cost savings of $32 million while displacing the use of 18.6 million gallons of gasoline since its inception in 2009.

UPS to Operate 1,000 Propane Autogas Vehicles

UPS announced today it plans to purchase 1,000 propane-autogas-fueled package delivery trucks and install an initial 50 autogas fueling stations at UPS locations.

Start Your Engines… Alliance AutoGas Racing Team Acquires a New Car and a New Attitude

The Alliance AutoGas Racing Team  announce the acquisition by team owner Steve McCoy of a new racing car, a 1990 Spec Mazda Miata.

Propane research center opening in Asheville – Asheville plant to test and certify kits, train techs

The research center in Asheville will import a top Dutch technology from a company called PRINS, test and certify the kits, and train technicians from across the country how to install them on fleets of school buses and other vehicles.

Propane Autogas: Most Widely Used Alternative Fuel Is Also Safest

When it comes to the transportation of children, school fleet directors know that propane autogas school buses are the safe choice.

With gas prices so high, why no rush to propane?

Propane has a well-established infrastructure and it’s really the only alternate fuel that can be purchased from coast to coast and in all the urban and rural areas in between.

Small business is saving big on fuel costs with propane autogas trucks

After Switching 8 Trucks to Propane-Autogas, Small Business Expects to Save $16K in Fuel

Biltmore converts shuttles to propane autogas through Alliance AutoGas program

In partnership with Alliance AutoGas, the Biltmore recently converted two of the 15 shuttle buses in its fleet to autogas and installed a fueling station on the grounds to provide a year-round supply.

Newport News Converts Vehicles to Run on Propane

The city of Newport News says it expects to save $22,000 per year after converting a fleet of its vehicles to use propane gas.